Page 11 - diegesis
P. 11

[ ... ] When you catch one fish that you love, even if it’s a little fish—a fragment of an idea—that fish will draw in other fish, and they’ll hook onto it. [...] Soon there are more and more and more fragments, and the whole thing
emerges. But it starts with desire.
This exhibit is a collection of recent art by eight contemporary visual artists and includes painting, sculpture, drawing, and graphic work. These eight artists are distinguished by a common trait and that is their authoritative presence in the sphere of public art, where they are acti- vely involved and for which they continue to develop processes. Most of the artists represented here live in Guadalajara and surprisingly, each represents a uniquely singular esthetic and artistic discourse.
Diegesis is a term from art analy- sis that also refers to a style of fictional storytelling. This exhibit enables the pu- blic to take in sundry content created by
autonomous artists. Current advanced practices in curatorship include the trend of gathering styles and artists for exhibi- tion in plural and horizontal formats that bring about dialogues that are both sti- mulating and beguiling. Diegesis, Galería Bruna’s debut exhibit, gives expression to a micro world of fictional play that gi- ves perspective into the sphere of eternal complexity that is art.

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